Common Problems & How to Fix Them

The WiFi Fails

The house accesses the Internet via a 4G+ Mobile network, basically the same way your mobile accesses the internet. It can be intermitent. If you have issues, these steps will help to resolve it.

What to do when Heater Controller starts Flashing

This can happen. And does. Often. The most common cause is a lack of pellets. This is what you will need to do.

Pests in the House

Yes, Magnolia is in the countryside and there are animals and insects that come into the house. Here you will find the main culprits and what to do.

Fire Alarm goes Off But No Fire

If you are unlucky, the alarm will suddenly go off although there is no fire. It is basically telling you that the battery is nearly dead. This is what you can do.

Cooking Gas Runs Out

The cooker uses gas. The gas bottle is “legally” required to be outside, in case of a leak / explosion and so at Magnolia, the gas bottles are in the barn. If the gas bottle is empty, this is what you do.

What to do when Water Leaks

When a water pipe bursts, you need to quickly turn off the water at the source and then isolate the leak. This is how to do it.

Electricity Cuts Out

Like most homes, a strong storm may cut the electricity supply. As long as the cable is not cut, our supply can be restablished within a few seconds. This is what you need to do.