The Central Heating

The central heating runs on pellets. It is a fairly efficient system for such an old house, yet it is really 1st-generation and lacks modern features such as internet control. Nonetheless, it works and keeps the chill off.

Three Temperature Levels

First, it is necessary to understand that the boiler has only three levels of heating: Normal, Comfort and Reduced. These are pre-set as following:

  1. Normal 19 Deg C
  2. Comfort 21 Deg C
  3. Reduced 14 Deg C (the temperature will not be allowed to drop below this level)

Depending on the heating program that is selected, the program will heat to one of the three temperatures listed above.

Hot Water

The hot water supply is also provided by the central heating system. The availability of hot water is also influenced by the Heater program that is selected.

Changing the Heater Program

To change the heater program, just press either the SINGLE UP or DOWN buttons to show “Mode de Fonction”. The current mode will start the blink. Using the single Up or Down buttons, navigate to desired program, which is one of the following:

Nr Setting on Controller When to use it
a) Auto. Program 1 Spring, Autumn, see timings below
b) Auto. Program 2 Winter, see timings below
c) Auto. Program 3 Not used
d) Normal / Forcée Continous heating to level “normal”
e) Confort continous heating to level “comfort”
f) Reduit Prevents the house from dropping below this temperature – used when unoccupied in Winter
g) Eté For summer – when occupied and only hot water is needed
h) Eteint (Reglages) Continuous off – no heating, no hot water. May be used in summer when unoccupied
i) Confort+ Continuously heats to +2 Deg more than the usual Comfort setting – Not used

Press the DOUBLE-UP button to return to the main menu which confirms the new mode.

Automatic Program Timings

The heating may come on before the time indicated here. This is because the heater will calculate when it should start so that the house is the required temperature at the desired time. In winter, for example, it may come on an hour earlier.

Auto Program 1

07:30 Heating Chauffe
09:30 Lowering Reduit
17:30 Comfort Confort
21:30 Lowering Reduit

Auto Program 2

07:00 Comfort Confort
09:30 Lowering Reduit
12:00 Heating Normal
13:30 Lowering Reduit
17:30 Comfort Confort
21:30 Lowering Reduit

Below you can see that the program is “Auto Prog 1” and is currently allowing the inside temperature to drop to the “Reduced” level. The 7.9 Deg C that you can see, is the outside temperature.

Setting Holiday Mode

Holiday Mode allows you to set the heater to lowering “Reduit” whilst you are on vacation. It will then restart to the setting it was on, when Holiday Mode was started.