Cooking Gas Runs Out
The cooker is of course gas. The gas bottle is “legally” required to be outside, in case of a leak / explosion and so at Magnolia, the gas bottles are in the barn. Here are three, one connected, the gold one is 1/2 full and the purple bottle is a full reserve.
Swapping the Bottles
Switch off the supply to the cooker, just in case. Do this by turning the white switch upwards.
Then (1) close the valve on the gas bottle itself, and (2) disconnect the pipe from the gas bottle. To do this you will need an adjustable wrench, which can be found in the tool box in the black cupboards in the barn.
Then, just repeat the above but in reverse…
– Swap the bottles
– Connect the new gas bottle with the adjustable wrench
– Turn on the valve on the new gas bottle
– Turn the white tap down again, to allow the gas to reach the oven.
When done, it is necessary to pump some gas through, press the button under the adapter three-five times. Repeat if necessary.