It is very much up to you, which programme you use. 40 Minutes is usually enough. Just don’t put too much in.
What is important however, is what you do after you are done. You do need to do two things:
- Check the water reservoir
- Clean the two filters
Make sure the water reservoir is not pushed all the way in and that the door is open when you are finished, to prevent mould – especially if the house if left empty for a few weeks.
1) Checking the Water Reservoir
Just pull out the reservoir to check if there is water. Usually there is none.
2) Clean the Filters
The two filters are inside one-another. Just pull-up the plastic of the inner filter. It is usually full of fluff, as can be seen below.
Now the inner is clear of fluff, the external filter needs to be checked. Usually there is a lot less fluff, but still needs to be cleaned.
Remember, to leave the water reservoir pulled partially out and leave the door open so that mould does not grow whilst the house is empty for longer periods.